Monday, October 04, 2004

signs of boredom

So, I called in sick for work today. I'm feeling horrible, but atleast my voice is coming back. I'm tired of sleeping, so I thought I'd do this survey (thanks to Chandra!)...

Who/What/When was your 1st:
Best friend: Crystal Campbell
Friend: I have no idea
Teacher: I don't remember, my mom would though...some teacher at Shandon Methodist preschool
Word: you know, I really don't know...that's kinda sad
School: preschool, Shandon Methodist & real school, Rosewood
Favorite Book: Definitely Go, Dog, Go! That was the first book I read by myself!

Who/What/When was your last:
Cry: Thursday when talking to my mom about Matt giving me my grandmother's engagement ring
Laugh: yesterday Joce, Kelly, & I laughed about a million random things (Oh no! It can only hold 1 1/2 pounds!)
Smile: just now, thinking about the fact that I'm really getting married! Craziness!
Frown: I dunno
Friend: my last friend? Well, the last friends I hung out with were my roomies.
Best Friend: Currently I'd have to say Matt, Joce, & Bethany
Book you read: I read the sparknotes for The Epic of Gilgamesh last Thursday.
GPA: somewhere in the 2.6 range...I forgot exactly what

Who/What/When is your current:
School: Winthrop
Friend: I could name a few
Best Friend: already answered that...Matt, Joce, & Bethany
Book you are reading: The Bible & not much else

When was the last time you ate a/an:
Burger: last Wednesday, I think
Sandwich: last Thursday
Apple: It's been a while
Chocolate: When we ate S'mores on Friday night...apparently mice like Hershey's bars too as Sarah Gibbs found out
Fries: yesterday...mmmm...arby's curly fries!
Icecream: When Joce & I went to Coldstone
Chips: I haven't eaten chips in forever
Candy: Besides chocolate, I can't remember
Rice: last Wednesday night at home
Vegetable: Green Beans at Camp T-Bird (they weren't very good)
Chicken: Saturday night at Camp T-Bird

What time did you:
Wake up: I woke up at 6 this morning & a little bit later called in sick to work...then I slept until 11
Take a shower: haven't taken one today
Eat something: Just now I ate some yogurt
Finish this survey: 11:59 am

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