Friday, July 16, 2004

It's Friday!

It's finally Friday!  I wish you all could see me & Darlene do the "Friday dance" at work. 
I have been extremely busy lately, that's my excuse for my lack of updating.  I've been working, hanging out with Kelly, doing BS, spending time with my family, & working on some stuff for CRU this semester.  Yesterday Kelly & I hit the road & headed to Spartanburg to visit Joce.  It was nice to spend some time with her.  Kelly & I had some major laughs, even though I did annoy her by talking about Matt and Jessica & Ashlee Simpson the whole time. 
I tell ya, I am so spoiled at work.  These ladies treat me so wonderfully--especially Darlene.  She treats me like I'm her daughter.  She gave me her car (and said I didn't have to pay her for it, although I am), brings me presents, & treats me to meals.  She is the most generous person I have ever met in my life.  I'm learning a lot from her.
22 days until Matthew comes home.  I'm really excited, but this time apart has been wonderful for both of us.  We have learned how to focus our relationship on God & not eachother.  It is so wonderful to have a boyfriend that wants to pray with you & for you every time you talk.  I am so blessed. 
Guess that's it for now, hopefully I'll update again soon.  Sorry I'm such a slacker. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't annoy me!!! I just like picking on you about it! Haha, what would life be like w/out ashley and jessica simpson? There would be nothing I tell you! ;)

~ Kelly