Saturday, December 13, 2008

Long overdue

Now that I am a working woman, I have been slacking on my blogging duties. I am, however, doing well on twittering. :) Here's what has been going on with us lately...

*The nights have been very long in the Parks household lately. Emma is still sick. Now she has an ear infection and is on her second round of antibiotics. It appears to us that her congestion has gotten worse this weekend. She heads back to the doctor on Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully this won't be the beginning of a journey of ear infections.

*I am sick as well. It's time for my yearly sinus infection. Went to the doctor this morning and got some antibiotics and a cortizone shot. Definitely starting to feel better.

*Work is fabulous. We have so much fun and the kids are great. Some of the cutest kids ever. Emma has adjusted well. Some days she needs to be held more than others, but I think that's been because she hasn't been feeling well. Emma LOVES the other kids and LOVES all the toys to chew on!

*Emma is now eating some "finger foods". Her favorite thing to eat is Baby Mum Mum Rice Rusks. She has also tried some Puffs, but I think only one or two made it in her mouth. She thinks she is big stuff eating like the bigger kids at ESI.

*Emma is now scooting and rocking on all fours. Crawling, here we come! Our lives are about to drastically change!!!

*We will be heading back to South Carolina for Christmas and are looking forward to a spending the week with our families.

*Oh and some big SNOWED in New Orleans on Thursday! How crazy is that?!?! It even stuck and there was enough snow for the kids at work to make a decent sized snow man. So much fun! When I moved to New Orleans, I never thought I would see snow here. I'm pretty much convinced that the world is coming to an end. Especially since two days before it snowed, it was 75 degrees and we were wearing t-shirts and capris. I have tons of pictures, but I left the camera at work (and am praying the cleaning crew didn't nab it).

*I do, however, have some pictures of the cute kiddos at work to share. Sorry they are not the best quality; they are from my phone.

Emma and M (the happiest baby on earth!)

Emma and L (our handsome boy)

P cheesin' it up. This girl cracks me up!

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