Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog Love

Here are some blogs I read frequent. Thought some of you might enjoy them too.

Big Mama: Mother of a sassy little girl who just started kindergarten. She is hilarious!

BooMama: Mother of a four year old little boy. She too is hilarious!

Ragamuffin Soul: Service Programming Director at Buckhead Church in Atlanta. I also enjoy reading his wife's blog. This family does some great themed family nights!

Dreaming Big Dreams: A mom who has two precious little boys, one whom they adopted from the US. Her husband and she are also in the process of adopting two children in Haiti. Amazing story!

Debra Parker Design: Mom of two and in the process of adopting. Also an amazing photographer.

it's the little things: Mom of two precious boys, one whom has CDLS. Also an amazing jewelry maker.

Bring the Rain: An amazing, inspriring, moving story of a family who lost their precious daughter.

Just some inspiring, fun blogs to read. :)


The Parks said...

Ha! I read a lot of these, too! You might also like cfhusband and The Pioneer Woman, if you don't already read them :).

Hopeful said...

Thank you for sharing these!! I just spent an hour crying...and catching up on the story of Audrey Caroline!!